Wednesday, August 03, 2005


I do my share of travel on behalf of the Great Corporate Salt Mine - not nearly as much as when I was in the salesforce, but still...plenty.

When I travel alone, I live a fairly Spartan existence, eschewing the big restaurant feeds in favor of cheap take-in eats. I would rather write, work, and read books than sit in a white-tablecloth establishment being fawned over by sycophantic waitstaff.

But when I am entertaining a customer, or traveling with a colleague, I will sometimes enjoy a nicer sort of meal.

Today was a twofer. Lunch, followed by a meeting with a customer, followed by dinner with some Corporate Buddies.

For lunch, a wood-grilled swordfish steak (a childhood fave, believe it or not) and some mineral water. Not fancy, but fresh and well-prepared.

For dinner, a beefsteak tomato and onion salad for starters. Then, a monstrous slab of bone-in ribeye steak, charred Pittsburgh-style and with a nice, juicy medium-rare interior. All of this washed down with a 2002 Kenwood Jack London cabernet.

Self-indulgent? Sure. But, as the Checkers burger-stand ad says, ya gotta eat.

And what better meal is there than one that is obtained by Vigorous Suction on the Corporate Teat?

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