Monday, August 15, 2005


The Missus, she is ailing - never a good thing, and especially never a good thing this early into the School Year. The district’s kids returned to class only this last Wednesday.

Flat on her back with a rip-roarer of a cold, a cold that first manifested itself as a sore throat Sunday morning.

So I got home, heated up some beef barley soup for her, and let her get some badly needed bed rest whilst I ran off to a meeting.

As for me, what did I eat? “No soup for you!” quoth the little Soup Nazi in my head.

Instead, I sliced up a handsome, red tomato and dressed it with a squirt of olive oil, a shot of balsamic vinegar, a sprinkle of Fleur de Sel (that most Fancy-Pants of sea salts), and a handful of crumbled bleu cheese. Bing: Vegetable. Or salad, take yer pick.

Now for the Protein.

I had procured a meaty Chicken Titty over at the local market, which I proceeded to pound flat with my Chicken Titty Hammer. From Pamela Anderson to Calista Flockhart in 90 seconds, you could say. A dusting of freshly ground black pepper, and into the (lightly oiled) Pyrex baking dish with ’em. Now began the fun.

Yesterday, I had run up a small batch of Blueberry Chutney, inspired by Kimberly’s recipe - and by the pile of berries sitting in our fridge. I took this fine chutney and slathered the Pounded Chicken Bazooms with a liberal coating of same. Then, into the oven for a half hour at 350°F.

The result: a perfect balance of the sweet cooked-down berries, the tang of the vinegar and onions, the punch provided by the ginger and spices, and the mellow chickeny background. So delicious, Emeril LeGasbag would pronounce a mighty “Bam!” with every tasty bite!

All washed down with a frosty tumbler of Sunsweet Prune Juice.

OK, I’m kidding about the Prune Juice. I ain’t that old yet. Nor am I quite that perverse. Yet.

Ah. She Who Must Be Obeyed is beginning to stir. Time to go swab her Fevered Brow.

Update: Per Kimberly’s suggestion, next day I tried the blueberry chutney on some nice, thick salmon fillets. This might even be better than the chicken, as good as that was. Try it!

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