Wednesday, August 24, 2005


While thinking about the corned beef and anchovy pizza I shared with Laurence Simon Monday evening (his wife wouldn’t go near the thing), I had to admit to myself that I enjoy sandwiches that some folks might find downright scary.

Corned beef and pastrami on rye with mustard is pretty normal.

Corned beef, tongue, and pastrami disturbs a few people, but I like it.

Trowel on some chopped liver, and you’ve really got something. A little Russian dressing on the side, and you are in Deli Heaven.

When I was a kid, peanut butter and jelly was every kid’s mainstay. But we would mix it up a bit.

Cream cheese and jelly. On that obnoxious, colorless, squishy Wonder Bread, of course. This was still considered a “mainstream” sandwich; I remember a lot of my friends bringing these to school in the old Brown Bag.

But how ’bout cream cheese and green olives? I used to eat these as a third-grader.

Even better, cream cheese and sardines. Yummers. Even today, I sometimes get a jones for one of these bad boys. I like to think of it as the Mutant Cousin of cream cheese and lox.

And, when you are truly desperate, have a Salt and Ketchup sandwich on rye bread. I used to love ’em....but, then, I was a weird kid.

For a while, Fluffernutters - peanut butter and marshmallow fluff - were popular, but to me, that sweet crap was just that: crap. Give me something savory any day.

Of course, I’m not a kid anymore. My tastes are a little more grown up. More...rafinée. Betcha a caviar and cream cheese sandwich would be Damn Fine right about now.

What Bizarre Sandwiches do you like?

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