Sunday, August 28, 2005


This morning, as the Missus and I were heading out to run a couple of errands, we made a sad discovery. A hummingbird, with tiny, iridescent green feathers, lay dead just outside our garage door. My guess is that it somehow smacked into the door, with fatal results.

Hummingbirds are delicate, jewel-like creatures. They have an evanescent beauty, made all the more elusive because they never sit still. Wings forever beating, at most they will hover for a second or two, then dart away.

This one’s wings no longer beat.

In a snarkier frame of mind, I could have made all sorts of comments about how tiny the little drumsticks were...not a lot of white meat...

but the poor little guy was so beautiful, even in death, that I couldn’t bear to crack wise.


Requiescat in pace, little one. May you enjoy plenty of sweet nectar in the World to Come.

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