Monday, August 08, 2005


Peter Jennings, long-time anchorman for ABC News, died Sunday at the age of 67, a victim of lung cancer.

I, for one, won’t mourn him.

During one of the most heinous terrorist attacks of modern times, the murder of the Israeli Olympic team at Munich in 1972, Jennings sympathized with the terrorists, offering up excuses as to why their actions could be seen as justified. From
“I first saw Jennings on ABC when, as a young TV journalist, he reported from the Munich Olympics. And I was filled with disgust that his subsequent career has only deepened. At Munich -- I still remember it, 30 years later -- Jennings tried to explain away the abductions and massacre of the young Israeli athletes. His theme: The Palestinians were helpless and desperate. Ipso facto, they were driven to murder. That’s life...”

In Sept. 2002, when ABC News aired a retrospective on the Olympic Massacre, Jennings unabashedly said that Israel should stop regarding the Palestinians as terrorists as a result of the Olympic Massacre of three decades ago. Jennings dismissed the continual barrage of thousands of Palestinian terror attacks against Israelis, not only before, but also since the 72 Olympics.
[Tip of the Elisson fedora to David of Israellycool, and to Laurence Simon.]

Banging Hanana Ashrawi could hardly have made him a disinterested observer of Mideast events. In subsequent years, Jennings continued to push an anti-Israeli agenda, minimizing or offering excuses for attacks on Israeli citizens. He even tried to explain away the video footage showing Palestinians celebrating after the attacks of September 11, 2001, blaming “hatred of the United States as a patron of Israel.”

Anybody who tries to rationalize the deliberate murder of civilians is, in my book, a Gaping Asshole. Given Jennings’s position as anchor of a major American news network, it’s completely inexcusable.

By way of a sendoff, here’s a Haiku Dirge for Mr. J:

Peter Jennings: dead.
Go meet your friends from Munich
When you get to Hell.

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