Sunday, June 12, 2005


The Missus and I grabbed a quick bite at the local outpost of Panera, a Bread-Oriented Eatery. Baked goods, salads, soups, that sort of thing. Quick and inexpensive.

This is one of these places where they hand you a beeper device when you place your order. When your food is ready, the beeper is supposed to light up and buzz. Apparently, only about 10% of the beepers are functional, which means the waitstaff has to call out beeper numbers over the P.A. system.

“Beeper number 52, your order is ready.”

How fucking stupid is that? Why bother handing out nonfunctional beepers? Why not just announce the order numbers, which are printed on the receipts? Gaah.

More stupidity: A mother sitting near us was trying to deal with her obstreperous little boy. At one point she had taken him into the restroom to smack his ass, but he continued to act up. As they were leaving, she said to him, “I don’t like you today.”

How fucking stupid is that?

If your kid is being a jackass, there’s nothing wrong with saying, “I don’t like how you’re behaving.” In fact, it is essential. But for a parent to tell a child that she doesn’t like him? And in front of her mother, no less, who remained silent.

Tells you a lot about some people’s parenting skills. The sad thing is, parenting skills - or, more properly, the lack thereof - are passed down from generation to generation...and we all suffer for it.

How fucking stupid is that?

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