Wednesday, May 04, 2005


Never let it be said that Elisson cannot change his mind.

A few months back, I posted on the topic of some of the nuttier car designs that the Automotive Industry has thrown at us in the last few years:
…when it comes to strange car designs, I don’t think you can beat the two latest Boxmobiles from Japan. I’m talking about the (Toyota) Scion and the Honda Element.

There’s something about the squared-off, boxy designs of these...are they cars? Are they SUV’s? WTF are these things? Whatever the hell they are, they look like they were designed by the same folks that brought us Stalinist Russian Concrete Blockhouse Apartment Buildings.
Well, guess what? The new Elissonmobile is…

Yep. A brand-new, shiny Honda Element.

Yeah, yeah, I know. It’s a weird-looking little thing. Kinda like a 21st Century Milk Truck. But after She Who Must Be Obeyed and I had been making fun of Elements every chance we got, the damn thing’s strange boxy design kinda grew on us.

And, unlike the Toyota RAV4 we used to drive, this “truckette” is majorly roomy inside. A good candidate for our occasional Lengthy Road Trips.

I still think the Scion is weird. It’s way boxier than the Element – even more squared-off, if that’s possible – and it looks a lot more pedestrian. And I still think the PT Cruiser is a cartoon hearse.

But I think I’m going to like this Element…except, of course, for the agony of having to pay for it. Meh.

Screw Aerodynamics!

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe I missed this one. The JuJu Woman has had one for a long time. It's Green. Anyway we call it the "TRAR" Great ride.


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