Wednesday, May 11, 2005


sometimes show up late...but eventually, they show up.

My book from Jay (The Zero Boss) arrived in today’s mail. OK, it was just a few months late, but it was worth the wait - if for no other reason, because the delay provided some nice blogfodder. Thanks, Jay!

That makes two books I’ve scored off Jay - this one, and the one I won in March in Blogging for Books. If you have not tried Jay’s monthly contest, you should look into it. It’s a great way to hook up with some really good writers, while giving you an incentive to write good material instead of the usual Blog-Crap.

Not that that’s what you usually write. Aah, you know what I mean.

If I add those two books to the little box of Adagio Tea I scored two months ago, that makes a grand total of...two books and a little-ass box of tea. Hell, at least the books are hardbound.

So, if Blog-Whoring were my sole source of income, I would have starved myself to death by now...but at least I would have something to read as my body wasted away to a nubbly skeleton.

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