Monday, May 02, 2005


Elisson, you pervert, you.

It’s May, which means April, National Poetry Month, has come and gone, and along with it NaPoWriMo. I’m relieved, since my effort to post a poem a day was doomed from the outset. Not only did I get a late start, but somewhere around Day 22 the whole process began getting tedious. On top of that, the silence was deafening: nobody gave a rat’s ass about my poetry enough to comment on it. I suspect that when most people see a poem staring at them from a blog, they run the other way. Clickety-click! Mouse, don’t fail me now!

But nothing will get me writing poetry faster than a Suitably Disgusting Topic.

As the infamous Punchbowl Meme makes its rounds through the Bloggy-Sphere, it has begun to mutate, thereby adding reinforcement to the analogy between memes and viruses. I’ve seen Punchbowl Haiku, a Punchbowl Sonnet, and various forms of Punchbowl-related vers libre. I’ve even heard Punchbowl Poetry rendered in the manner of Stephen Hawking (really!)

Now it’s time to try something a little more challenging. A Double Dactyl.

If you’re unfamiliar with the form, go here. If you’re unfamiliar with the subject matter, go here. I’m not tagging anyone with this: it’s all mine, but if you want to have a go, be my guest. Ya slob.
Nasty old Elisson’s
“Turd in the punchbowl” meme
Scares me to death.

One disadvantage of
Turds in the punch can’t be
Good for your breath!

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