Wednesday, April 13, 2005


Inquiring minds want to know: just what is it that Elisson eats when the Missus is out at her Wednesday evening classes?

Lamb, baby. Tender, young lamb. There’s nothing quite as tasty as a Slab o’ Sheeplet...and it beats the crap out of a bowl of Grape-Nuts.

Because She Who Must Be Obeyed does not eat lamb, my best opportunity to snarf some up is usually when she’s out. That way, she does not have to deal with the Lamby Funk that pervades the kitchen.

Knowing that I was going to be left to my own resources, I stopped at Harry’s on the way home from involuntary servitude work with the intention of picking up a few lamb chops. But once there, I could choose between lamb chops at $13.99 a pound, or a butterflied leg slice for half that much. Leg it was, then.

Once home, it was a simple matter of sprinkling some herb-scented oil on the meat, covering it with rosemary sprigs and minced fresh garlic, and throwing it on a hot grill. For a side dish, I trimmed up some asparagus - green, this time - drizzled it with olive oil, added a shot of freshly ground black pepper, and stuck it on the grill next to Meaty Boy.

Once the asparagus spears were nice and tender (with some scorch marks for flavor) and the meat done medium rare, I put the whole mess on a plate along with some curried wheat-berry salad. Gotta have some starch, ya know.

Tasty baby sheep! I love it a heap.

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