Tuesday, February 15, 2005


On the road again...this time in Columbus, Ohio. I’m recuperating from a serious Customer Dinner at M, one of this town’s finer eateries.

A fine spinach salad, followed by Steak in a Bowl...an eight ounce plug of prime beef tenderloin, expertly grilled, served on a bed of veal jus and bleu cheese-stuffed fingerling potatoes, crowned with a chunk of foie gras. Dessert: Earl Grey Ice Cream. Boy Howdy.

We lucked out with the weather. I left a fogbound Atlanta and arrived to find a sunny day with temp in the mid-fifties. Lovely...and unusual for this time of year.

I’m blowing through my e-mails and getting ready to turn in. I must arise at what the Mistress of Sarcasm calls “the Butt-Crack of Dawn” in order to get to the airport in time for my 7 am flight. Wonderful.

Road food. It ain’t all Quarter Pounders with Cheese. Not for this boy.

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