Friday, January 21, 2005


How better to honor my Blogroll Buddies than by giving them a little Linky Love? These are just a few of my regular reads, but I hadda start somewhere:


Big shout-out to The Chainik Hocker.
He’s young; he’s not an alter kocker.

From Cowtown we have Texas Trifles,
Ya gotta love longhorns and rifles.

If I had a blog like Instapundit,
Could I get the GOP to fund it?

Pete’s blog is Perfectly Cromulent,
Thank Gawd his day job pays the rent.

Hello to the Pesky’Apostrophe!
Do you think Mac could knit a new brain for me?

I get nostalgic for nickel beer
From The Thrilling Days of Yesteryear.

Are you sick of the Preznit’s bullshit fog?
Then go take a swig from the BottleofBlog.

I try and try, but what’s the use?
Can’t blog ’bout poopin’ as well as Dooce.

When all is done, and all is said,
I’m glad to have Rox in my head.

Few blogs are as strange a sight as
The stuff you’ll see on Fried Green al-Qaedas.

Got a recipe for duck by reading Verbatim.
I cooked that son-of-a-bitch and ate ’im.

I’d like to trade my old farina
For the grainy goodies of the Bakerina.

He delivereth unto morons a good bitch-slap:
Get thee to This Blog Is Full Of Crap.

What with Chickadee and Monkey, and all they do,
Mir (Woulda Coulda Shoulda) coulda started a zoo.

And a tip o’ the hat to Acidman.
If he can’t shoot or eat or screw it, nobody can.

[More to come soon...but my brain hurts right now.]

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