Thursday, December 23, 2004


Not only is Fort Worth the ancestral Stomping Grounds of She Who Must Be Obeyed and the Home of the In-Laws d’Elisson, it is also the home of one of my first regular readers and commenters.

I refer to none other than the lovely and gracious Cowtown Pattie, author of Texas Trifles. “Pattie” (for so she calls herself, using a moniker that combines a Geographic Reference with Crude Excretory Humor) discovered Blog d’Elisson shortly after its inception in July of this year, most likely through a comment on the Nina Turns 40 blog that we both link to. She continues to visit frequently, and I always look forward to reading her comments - and, of course, reading her bloggity stuff.

And today, “Pattie” met (most of) the Elisson clan face-to-face in downtown Foat Wuth, spending an hour or so “talking story” with me, She Who Must Be Obeyed, and the Mistress of Sarcasm. Our nephew William was also present in his pre-haircut blue-eyed hirsuteness.

It’s really a small world when you start doing the Kevin Bacon six-degrees analysis. “Pattie” and SWMBO did not know each other back in the day, but her mom knew of SWMBO’s dad, who was a high-school principal in Fort Worth, later a college professor at Tarleton State University. Fort Worth: looks like a city, feels like a small town™.

After hot beverages and conversation, we took a few pictures (standing under the back end of the giant horse sculpture at the local Barnes & Noble bookstore) and then went our separate ways - new-old friends brought together by the Bloggy-Sphere.

Technology: Not Just a Useless Bunch of Crap!™

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