Friday, November 05, 2004


goes to Ivan Shreve of Thrilling Times of Yesteryear, which blog is now One Year Old.

Not for Ivan are the treacherous shoals of the Great Political Lagoon. Not for Ivan are the daily travails of mommies, daddies, punk rockers and other assorted Nipple Ring Wearin’ Folks, poets, pundits, and hipsters. At Thrilling Times, you will be treated to no snarkfest, no Imprimus Maximus Sardonicus. No haiku, heartburn, or housecats.

It’s just good, old-fashioned entertainment - lovingly transcribed, dissected, analyzed, and commented upon by an exceptionally knowledgeable individual. Old radio shows. Old TV shows. Old Hollywood movies. The stuff that, for many of us, molded our earliest perceptions of Pop Culture.

I was not a participant in Bloggity World when Ivan started his magnum opus, so I missed out on a lot of that early stuff. [Thank Gawd for archives!] And I’m not sure exactly how he found me...but somehow or other I ended up on his blogroll. Since it was the first time anyone had blogrolled me, I was particularly pleased. Regardless, the connection was made, and the rest, as they say (who the hell are “they,” anyway?), is history.

And in Ivan’s case, it really is history. The history of popular entertainment in America. Visit. Enjoy. Learn.

And remember.

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