Friday, October 01, 2004


Well, Debate Number One is out of the way, and the spinmeisters are having their usual field day. I had to laugh when I saw this on the Reuters wire (via Yahoo):
Focus Group Gives Slight Edge to Kerry

MANCHESTER, N.H. (Reuters) - A group of citizens in the swing state of New Hampshire, including Democrats, Republicans and one undecided voter, gave a slight edge to Democrat John Kerry in Thursday’s first presidential debate.
You’ve got to be kidding.

This was no “slight edge.” Even Neal Boortz acknowledged on his radio show this morning that the Chimpster had his ass handed to him.

The early returns are coming in, and it’s not even close.

Of course, winning a debate don’t mean doodly-squat. Winning the election is what counts. But if this first debate was any indication, even some of the red-state die-hards are going to have to face up to just how lame the Preznit looked and sounded last night. And of course, Karl Rove’s Great Spin Machine will be going into overdrive to try to keep the engine room from flooding now that Kerry has scored a direct hit with his first Debate-o-Pedo.

Now, the fun begins. Swift-boat this, Bobo.

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