Tuesday, October 12, 2004


Well, so much for the late, great Atlanta Braves, the Astros having put the quietus to them in five games. The Astros, fer cryin’ out loud! The Astros, who’ve never won any kind of postseason playoffs!

Oh, well. This is where I could play Mr. Divided Loyalty and revel in my status as a former Houston resident. But I won’t do that. I will just lament the fact that there will be no World Series here in Atlanta this year. No more trips to the Ted until springtime.

As if that was gonna happen anyway. St. Louis has a strong team this year and they would no doubt have crushed the Braves’ nuts to butter had we made it to the NL playoffs.

Tomorrow’s Atlanta Journal-Constitution will run an editorial cartoon showing the inert bodies of Braves players being raked up from a lawn like so many fallen leaves. [I’m writing this at 11:00 pm on Tuesday, October 12. I only know about the cartoon because I attended a class at which Mike Luckovich, the cartoonist, was the guest speaker.] Good analogy…and when I was a kid, we used to burn the dead leaves.

The Boys of Summer, indeed. But they sure as hell ain’t the Boys of Fall.

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