Tuesday, September 14, 2004


It’s perfectly amazing how the Internet and Blogosphere have shrunk the world. But every so often there are these little... disconnects.

Looking at the list of recently updated blogs in the Blogger dashboard, I noticed one with an interesting name: ToChAs da Fé. This intrigued me. Uppercase and lowercase usage aside, here was a blog with a creative name. One that seemed to make reference to auto da fé, the “act of faith” of the Inquisition in which heretics (usually converted Jews or their descendants who secretly continued to practice their old faith) were burned at the stake. And to “tochas,” the Yiddish word for “arse.” Butt. Heinie. Derrière, for you delicate types.

But no, it ain’t that at all. It’s a new blog, and near as I can tell with my limited Portuguese, it’s written by some Brazilian Jesus freaks. Or something like that.

I blame myself. Who else would assume that a blogname would be a bilingual pun?

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