Thursday, September 23, 2004


I’ve been hammering away at Blog d’Elisson since early July, and it occurs to me that I ought to have some kind of mission statement. What is this thing called Blog? and why should you give a crap about it? More important, why should you invest your time and carpal tunnels in clicking to this little corner of the Internet-O-Bloggysphere?

So here’s my attempt to explain What This Is All About (cue ponderous music).

The masthead calls this “Another Monumental Exercise in Self-Aggrandizement and Time Wastage.” Which it is. The original Monumental Exercise still resides on AOL with a mirror at Bellsouth, but that’s a website - a pain in the ass to update, so I maintain it on a very sporadic basis. I’ll slap a few new pictures in there when the urge seizes me - that’s about it.

There are plenty of ways to aggrandize oneself and to piss one’s time away. There are almost as many blogging styles as there are bloggers: everybody has his or her own individual voice. But what style works for me?

Well, there's political / punditry. Loads of those out there, both right-wing and left-. But to do a political or current events blog in a quality way is really a full-time task. Me, I’ve got a day job. So this will not be an Instapundit or Vodkapundit. It will not be a BottleOfBlog - I can’t keep up with Ricky’s amazing bile-filled (and hysterically funny) rants. And it won’t be a World O’Crap, as I don’t have the time or energy to read eight thousand blogs, yank out pieces here and there, and then write brilliant, acidulated commentary...much as I regret not getting comments from the likes of Anntichrist S. Coulter.

Then there’s the domestic blog. The diary-style look-what-happened-to-me-and-the-kiddos blog. The packed-with-memes blog. The personal feelings blog. The poetry blog. The photoblog.

There are the written-by-illiterate-teenagers blogs. And the exotic blogs from Brazil, Germany, East Jeezus, Yenemvelt.

Nope. Not this one.

I will write about whatever seizes my fancy at any given moment. What I ate for breakfast. Funny crap I’ve read or seen. Daily life. Movies. Music. Other people’s blogshite. Family stuff. My stupid-ass poetry. Travel - both routine biztrav and vacations. (Years of traveling have taught me that nothing is truly routine when you’re on the road.) Once in a while, current events. Even politics and religion - but in smaller doses. And hopefully, something to make you laugh. Even if only for a second.

I will, as is my wont, use the occasional coarse word. I will say “shit” or “crap” and every once in a while, I will drop in a fuckbomb. Hey, it’s the way I talk. But I try not to overdo it. This is a blog my Momma could read. (If she were still walking the planet, that is.)

I’m not out to remake the world... just to make my corner of it a little better. Tikkun Olam, ya know. And if that means I write stuff that amuses you, great. I write it mainly to amuse myself, but I’m more than happy to have you along for the ride.

Hang on.

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